
Prevas new intranet — as much design as content

With 800 employees spread across more than 20 locations in Sweden, Norway and Denmark — and with consultants on assignment at customer sites — Prevas' new intranet had a clear purpose. To be a meeting place that satisfies the needs of many different employees.

Background and challenge

Prevas' new intranet needed to be both accessible and personalised. There was also a desire among employees to have easy access to the management system via the intranet. This was also important for the organisation’s editors, who otherwise needed to update information twice. When it came to content, this was just as important as design. The content must be up-to-date and relevant – the design modern and user-friendly. The ambition was to create an intranet to be proud of.

Prevas intranät

På startsidan finns personaliserat innehåll som nyheter och integrationer mot Office-paketet. Därtill finns även en modul med nya kollegor och länkar vidare till andra system , exempelvis Slack och Teams. Genom att klicka på menyikonen kan man komma vidare till andra områden som news, om Prevas och min anställning.

Agile project

Putting together a strong, dedicated team was the start of it all. Helena Lundin, Head of Communications at Prevas, explains:

– Together with Webstep and Simplitude, we launched a creative collaboration. One major challenge was to start with a blank sheet of paper and very quickly we realised that an agile approach would be the best way forward. In collaborative workspaces, we sketched out ideas that would solve our requirements for a new intranet. We then took the ideas further in design and content. Throughout the project, we have kept an open mind and aimed to achieve something new, fresh and modern. As a project manager, I felt confident throughout.

– We use Sitevision for the external website and quickly decided to build the intranet in the same platform. Sitevision is user-friendly and easy for new editors to join. We felt comfortable from the outset and could avoid expending energy getting to know a new product.


Helena Lundin, Head of Communications at Prevas


Personalised from the start

Prevas' new intranet — named Hello Prevas after a popular internal competition — gives visitors a personalised experience from the start. This is because the home page is tailored by region and role. There, the employee is greeted by news tailored to the target group, integrations with email, calendar and files — and of course links to other relevant systems.

Employees no longer have to worry about where to find information on how to alert their office, what terms and conditions of employment apply or where to find the material aimed at managers. Everything is available and displayed depending on who you are and where you work.

Prevas intranät

Powerful and smart search

The management system (QMS in Sharepoint) was also integrated into the search function. In this way, the same information does not need to be in multiple places with the risk of old versions being published and overlooked. And it’s easy to search and find information. The search hits come from both Sitevision content and the management system.

To make this clear, the search results are divided into different categories: people, content, documents and management systems. Throughout the project, there was a strong focus on UX and an important part of this was that the search results should be easy to navigate.

– While not everything resides on the intranet, employees find their way to other systems or tools from there. The new intranet is a focal point that we can always point to, as in: “Go there and you’ll find it”. "And if you miss something, give us feedback," comments Helena.


Cheer up and tell us what you think

When Hello Prevas was launched in December 2021, it was received with much cheer and commitment. But the work didn't stop there. To continue gathering feedback and improving the intranet, all pages have a thumbs-up or thumbs-down feature where visitors can leave a comment. This is a feature that is used and contributes significantly to making the intranet more cutting-edge.

What now?

Well, now it’s time for Prevas to review the external website. The project is already underway and it borrows some goodies in terms of design and other elements from the intranet... Exciting!



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