
Google workspace logo

Calendar and email directly from Google

Access your unread emails and see upcoming calendar events on the intranet with Sitevision’s Google modules, which you can find in the Marketplace.

Google workspace logotyp.

Access Google Workspace directly on your Sitevision intranet. Increase engagement and provide employees with an integrated user experience. With ready-to-go integration modules, you can access your documents, see upcoming events in the calendar and view unread emails on the intranet. You can also create solutions with our partners.

Integrations from Google Workspace

  • Shows upcoming events in the calendar on the intranet
  • Shows unread emails directly on the intranet
  • You can easily get to your inbox
  • Easy to reach your calendar
  • Adapt to your intranet design
  • Login with Oauth2



CMS for intranet and websites

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