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Digital asset management system directly in Sitevision

ImageVault DAM for Sitevision allows you to streamline and facilitate the management of all your digital media directly in Sitevision. In addition to seamless integration with Sitevision, ImageVault is also a standalone digital asset management system and can be used by the entire organisation.

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Sitevision is probably one of your most important channels or touchpoints for communicating with your target groups. It’s probably also a channel on which you want to use images, videos and other media to create visually interesting and memorable content. ImageVault DAM for Sitevision allows you to streamline and facilitate the management of all your digital media directly in Sitevision. The image is converted to the correct format from a high resolution version, without replacing the original version. In addition to seamless integration with Sitevision, ImageVault is also a standalone digital asset management system and can be used by the entire organisation. If there is a desire and need, you can also invite external stakeholders.

Connect ImageVault to other applications

With ready-made links to MS Office, Adobe, Media Gallery and Video with automatic “speech-to-text” functionality, there are excellent opportunities to broaden ImageVault's functionality and usage to be the natural, central hub for the entire organisation’s use of images and videos.

Benefits of ImageVault DAM for Sitevision

  • Reduces time spent searching for digital files
  • Makes it as easy and convenient as possible for the user to work with digital media
  • Increases flexibility and opportunities to work more consistently and use media more prominently on the web
  • Easy to keep track of rights and GDPR, as well as where your files are used

Functions in ImageVault DAM for Sitevision

Central storage of media assets

Preview and convert the image format directly in the system without restrictions

Edit images – crop/zoom

File information via categories and metadata, and all information related to the files is searchable

Manage, download and upload multiple files simultaneously

Solid support for access rights

Traceability of where files are used

Version management

Contract management



CMS for intranet and websites

Book a demo

During a demo, you will see examples of what you can do in Sitevision – and how easy it is to create content. Try the product, get answers to your questions and discover a world of possibilities. The demo is free of charge.

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