Searchresult for the tag

  1. Sveriges kommuner har intranät i Sitevision

    Municipalities choose Sitevision as CMS Do you want a future-proof web publishing tool for your intranet or website where communication reaches today – and tomorrow? More than half of Sweden’s

  2. Kalix kommun – Intranet

    Everything in the cloud — after the massive IT attack When Kalix Municipality was hit by a hacker attack, the entire IT system was down and suddenly the 1,600 employees could not communicate with each other. The municipality’s message to others? Use

  3. Säffle Municipality – Intranet

    Säffle Municipality’s new intranet focuses on collaboration Säffle Municipality needed a functional and easy-to-navigate tool for internal communication. The new modern intranet allows for effective collaboration and rapid dissemination of

  4. Falu Municipality – Intranet

    Falun Municipality combines Sitevision and Office 365 With its new intranet, Falun Municipality wanted to create a relevant starting point that empowers its employees. The combination of Sitevision and Office 365 now forms the hub of their digital

  5. Proofreader - Validate your text

    Validate your text directly in Sitevision Proofreader provides smart, educational language support for those who strive to write simple, comprehensible, well-written texts. The Prolog module measures your text before publishing it. Proofreader has a

  6. Why should the internal communicator care about the value of a good employee experience?

    Why should the internal communicator care about the value of a good employee experience? The internal communicator is key to creating engagement and well-being in the workplace. Effective internal communication and a positive digital employee

  7. Collaboration tools that increase productivity

    Collaboration tools that increase productivity There is a whole range of different collaboration tools. Which ones should you choose? And what does it really take for us to succeed with digital initiatives? Get insights on this from our latest

CMS for intranet and websites

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